I’ve decided to open up my archive of photos from disassembling products: “Void Your Warranty”. I started taking products apart when I was a child; this hobby continued to grow – especially during my studies.
People would bring me broken gadgets all the time; I’d try to fix them if the problem was simple. If it wasn’t, I’d take the product apart and document what I’d see. I even lectured on this topic a few times.
These are not the well-documented “repair manuals” you’ll find at the great repository of iFixit. Instead, these photos are mostly an overview of the assembly, and detailed macro shots of things that I found interesting: some weird way of bolting something down, or injection molding marks, for instance.
You are free to use these photos for any non-commercial goal. Education would be my preference.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Netherlands License.
I will be posting new photos on a regular basis. Let me know if you’re searching for something specific. Please also get in touch when you use these photos for something!
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